
Wood Specifications

  • Common Names(s): Freijo, Laurel Blanco
  • Scientific Name: Cordia spp. (C. alliodora, C. goeldiana)
  • Distribution: From southern Mexico to Brazil
  • Tree Size: 65-100 ft (20-30 m) tall, 2-3 ft (.6-1 m) trunk diameter
  • Average Dried Weight: 35 lbs/ft3 (565 kg/m3)
  • Specific Gravity: .48, .57
  • Janka Hardness: 890 lbf (3,970 N)
  • Modulus of Rupture: 12,570 lbf/in2 (86.7 MPa)
  • Elastic Modulus: 1,874,000 lbf/in2 (12.93 GPa)
  • Crushing Strength: 6,670 lbf/in2 (46.0 MPa)
  • Shrinkage: Radial: 3.9%, Tangential: 6.7%, Volumetric: 10.0%, T/R Ratio: 1.7



Heartwood color ranges from light yellowish to medium brown, sometimes with darker streaks. Lighter portions of heartwood aren’t clearly demarcated from sapwood.
Grain is straight to shallowly interlocked. Texture can vary from fine to coarse. Good natural luster.
Diffuse-porous; solitary and radial multiples; medium to large pores in no specific arrangement, few to moderately numerous; tyloses present; parenchyma vasicentric; medium rays, spacing wide to normal.
Variable, generally depending on the darkness of the wood. Rated as durable, though lighter-colored boards are less durable. Mixed insect resistance.
Easy to work with hand or machine tools. Glues, turns, and finishes well.
No characteristic odor.
Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, Freijo has been reported as a sensitizer. Usually most common reactions simply include skin irritation. Sawdust has also been reported to cause dry hands, as well as excessive thirst. See the articles Wood Allergies and Toxicity and Wood Dust Safety for more information.
Generally available as veneer or smaller turning or craft blanks, surfaced lumber in limited sizes is sometimes available. Expected prices to be in the mid range for an imported hardwood.
This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Veneer, furniture, turned objects, cabinetry, boatbuilding, and millwork
Freijo is known by an abundance of common names, (such as Laurel Blanco), and is a relative of the more commonly-known Bocote and Ziricote. Its appearance has been compared to teak or mahogany, though it bears no direct botanical relation to either.
Bocote (Cordia spp.)
Louro Preto (Cordia megalantha)
Ziricote (Cordia dodecandra)
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